Lisa B

Hi, I'm Lisa and I created this site with you in mind! What's in your cup?

Best Teas For Singers – 7 Teas That Soothe The Throat

Unlike other instruments, our voices rarely rest. A singer knows how hard it is to keep a voice in great shape. There are many things that can adversely affect a voice. Those things are colds, poor air quality, allergies, lifestyle, environment, travel, restless nights and overuse. There’s quite a few reasons why tea can be

Best Teas For Singers – 7 Teas That Soothe The Throat Read More »

The Best Tea Infuser Mugs For People With Busy Lives

When I am at work I used to think a tea bag was the fastest and easiest way to brew my tea.  We all have that choice, right!  Teabag or loose leaf tea. Truth is, with the right tea mug infuser you can easily brew tea with loose leaf tea. What’s the difference?  Loose leaf

The Best Tea Infuser Mugs For People With Busy Lives Read More »