Is Tea Even Good For You?

“There doesn’t seem to be a downside to tea”

American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Katherine Tallmadge, MA, RD, LD

For thousands of years tea has been accredited for health, wisdom and happiness to the world to the East.

The Western world has woken to the tea brewing in their cup. More and more studies are being done about the health benefits of tea.

How healthy can a drink that’s created from a single plant. That plant named Camellia Sinensis is a powerhouse. From one plant comes five amazing drinks: Black, White, Green, Oolong and pu-erh.

When we talk about tea we are talking about the tea that comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant. Fiver amazing teas come from a single plant, the Camellia Sinensis. Those tea are Black, White, Green, Oolong and Pu-erh.

While most studies focus on black or green tea I’d not dismiss the healing properties of all the teas mentioned.

What Makes Tea So Special

Tea has less caffeine than coffee

This is a big win in the health benefits of tea. On average per cup of black tea there were 40mg of caffeine compared to that of coffee being 105mg. Coffee drinkers can use a chicory root tea to help their transition over to tea. The Caffeine in tea also reacts in our bodies differently. There is generally no caffeine jitters with tea and no withdrawal symptoms from tea.

Tea contains antioxidants

Scientists believe molecules called free radicals can contribute to the aging process. They also may play a part in diseases, like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Antioxidants help stop or limit damage caused by free radicals. White tea is less processed than green or black and contain more good antioxidants.

Tea is anti-inflammatory

Green tea has a large amount of EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate). EGCG aids the body with inflammation. The EGCG then attack free radicals. They also reduce and lower the inflammation that helps heal the cellular damage.

Tea is an anti-allergen

The use of benifuuki green tea reduced some of the local allergies within a month. Ginger also added to the experience.

Tea alone is calorie free

Drinking your tea without sweetener is a great alternative to water. Drinking tea is a way of adding flavors to your drink. When I try any new tea I drink it plain so I can get a real taste of the tea without any added flavors or sweeteners added. If you are sick of water, try tea. There are so many options. If you want it a little sweet you can add some licorice root or blackberry leaf, add some flavor of any herb to spice it up. The options are endless.

Tea may keep your smiling

Tea can change the PH in your mouth while drinking. That change may help your teeth and prevent loss, plaque and cavities. Tea also does not destroy tooth enamel like so many other drinks. Also, a cup of tea contains fluoride, which is good for the teeth

Tea can boost the body’s metabolism

While I do not agree with all the hype over lose weight fast with green tea pills and gimmicks. Green tea contains catechins which are antioxidants that help the body burn fat as fuel. So if you exercise while drinking green tea your body may burn fat a bit faster than normal.

Tea is a hydration drink

Studies show that in very high doses tea can dehydrate. Those doses are very high and extreme. Normal or average caffeine consumption has shown to hydrate the body.

Health Benefits of Tea

Tea may boost your immune system

Studies have shown tea can tune up immune cells so they reach their targets quicker. Tea helps our immune system with free radical fighting antioxidants. Tea is also high in oxygen radical absorbance capacity. These help fight the free radicals which attack the bodies DNA. Our bodies fight free radicals and work to bring our bodies into a strong cellular presence. Tea helps our bodies do a more efficient battle.

Tea may help battle cancer

When our cells are weak or damaged tea will help the body fight to repair the cells via antioxidants. Black tea contains polyphenols that do the fighting. Black tea is not a cancer cure but it can help decrease cancer cells growth. Drinking tea is one way to add more antioxidants to the body. By adding antioxidants it helps cells fight against diseases such as cancer. There are not a lot of studies in this area yet tea can add antioxidants to the body and worth the try.

Tea may Reduce your risk of heart attack

A host of earlier reports found a 20 percent reduction in the risk of heart attack. The same report found a 35 percent reduced risk of stroke among those who drank one to three cups of green tea a day. Those who drank four or more cups of green tea daily had a 32 percent reduction in the risk of having a heart attack. This also lowered levels of LDL cholesterol. Green tea is beneficial yet, with one cup of matcha the equivalence is that of 10 cups of green tea. 

Tea may help protect your bones

Data from recent animal studies have shown that green tea may prevent bone loss. Studies suggest that green tea helps body composition and bone properties. Tea is full of antioxidants. These antioxidants help the body protect itself against bone loss and osteoporosis. Green tea can benefit the body and stimulating bone formation. Green tea also stops the formation of cells that cause bone damage.

Tea helps protect the brain.

l-Theanine is an amino acid found in tea. One study showed an increase in memory and focus in several different areas. The increase in memory and focus can help deter dementia. Reaction time also increased. The polyphenols in green tea helps part of the brain to regulate learning and memory. Drinking 3 cups or more per day or either green or black tea could prevent the onset of ischemic stroke.

Tea can help protect the body, process sugars and help with Type 2 diabetes

Tea contains polyphenols that lower glycemic levels and may increase insulin activity. Black tea reduces the rise in blood glucose levels. Adding milk will inhibit the effects of the tea. Tea is a great non sweetened beverage (the best way to drink it). Insulin is a hormone that is secreted when you consume sugar. Black tea is a great beverage that can help improve the use of insulin and reduce blood sugar. Drinking your tea unsweetened is the best way to aid your bodies glycemic levels. 

Tea benefits the eyes

The catechins in tea work to penetrate the eyes and protect the tissue of the eyes. Tea helps protect the eyes from glaucoma and other diseases of the eye. Those antioxidants are massive disease fighters. They work with and aid the body in fighting many different diseases.


Tea, after water, is the most consumed beverage in the world. The largest tea produced worldwide is black tea, then green and oolong and white.

Over and over again, we have seen that tea as not just an enjoyable beverage. Tea is amazing in its ability to heal and aid our bodies fight against disease and free radicals. The health benefits of tea are, just that, health benefits.  

Tea is beneficial for us in a multitude of ways. There are a few caveats when considering the health benefits of tea.

  • Don’t rely on just tea. Eat well and exercise.
  • Drink fresh brewed and avoid bottled tea.
  • Avoid sugar and sweeteners. Use honey if you must sweeten your tea.
  • Let your tea cool before sipping. Hot tea can damage your throat.
  • Everything in moderation try not to exceed 1-2 liters of tea daily.

Tea may seem like an older person’s drink. Things are changing. Tea is becoming popular with all ages. People brewing loose leaf tea is also increasing in popularity over bagged tea.

Tea comes in so many different varieties and the choice is yours. You find what you like, brew it and enjoy it. Then realize that drink you are consuming is benefiting your body one sip at a time.

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