Using Herbs to Charge Your Crystals and Why You Need To

When I first get a crystal I have no idea where that crystal has been or who may have touched it so the first duty for that crystal (as all crystals) is a ritual I call cleansing and while there are many ways to do this (sage, salt, ground burial, water, sun, moon) the one way that I have always used and one that resonates peace in my soul is an herbal burial.  

This method is also to be used for crystals that have exhausted themselves and need to be re-charged.  The longer you work with crystals the more you will come to just “know” when it’s time to charge a crystal you are using.

I carry crystals in my pocket at work, my job is dangerous and stressful. There are just times that I know it’s time to change the crystals that I am carrying, there are times I carry 5 or just 3 crystals.  There are times I have given them away whenever that moment presents itself.  Recently three young children were brought into my department and I had to sit with them, they were dirty and scared I gave each of them some food and gave them each a crystal to take with them on their journey.  When they left, I was cleaning up the area and found two of the three crystals left behind, but one was taken.  I believe (as with all things) the person who indeed needed was provided.  

Now, before I explain why I feel this is by far the best way to cleanse and charge a crystal, I’ll explain why the other ways do not bring the same amount of peace.


Salt is abrasive and yes, salt purifies I use salt water in a rinse for my throat when I get a sore throat, however, I do not believe in cleansing or charging a crystal in a harsh manner.  The crystal performs its job in the purest way and does so with ease, to me being abrasive with something that has just performed for me is a sign of disrespect and can almost seem abusive.  Salt can also damage some stones and no one wants that.  

Ground Burial

Ground Burial has its place but it is not for the cleansing or charging of a stone.  Ground Burial is for healing and I do believe if a stone has been exhausted and worked hard or broken in any manner then a ground burial is exactly what is called for, the solitude and becoming one with the earth to heal is what is called for.  This process can also take up to a few months and at times you may go to find your crystal and it may be gone.  For reasons we do not understand (minus animals, earth movements, and irrigation) it may be the time for that crystal to move on and for us to let go.  


I get it, water = bath = cleanse however that is the way the mortal mind looks at things, water will not purify the soul of the crystal, it will cleanse the outside and again may damage some crystals as well.  Water dilutes with the exception of a lovely rain shower that does not necessarily cleanse but sort of gives your crystal a bit of an “ahhhh” moment, it’s a wonderful jester for sure.  

The Sun and Moon

These are not for cleansing but for charging your crystals and especially a full moon followed the next day by the sun.  These are the moments when you should take your collection outside and allow them to absorb the rays, atmosphere, and pull of the earth during these times.  Get yourself a nice tray and this way you can move your crystals all at one time and allow them to bask in the glorious light of the moon and sun.  


I like the idea of sage, but I do not believe sage alone creates the perfect environment for a crystal cleansing and definitely not a charging.  I believe sage should be used in moments that a crystal needs to be sanctified for intense usage and for that moment only.  Sage is also not controlled or contained with the crystal as it will spread and move around the crystal and populate the area the sage is used in.  

So these are the ideas I have gathered and researched from suggestions and that I have seen on various sites around social media.   

Moving forward let me explain why I feel the method I use, the one I have used for a long time is by far the best for both cleansing and charging your crystals.  

We start with a proprietary blend of: 

Oolong Tea

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Oolong is generally wrapped into a very tight ball or twist, roasted and dried.  Oolong is the ONLY tea energy that is feminine, femininity is important in the burial ritual.  Oolong tea also has balanced yin energies which is important in balancing the cleansing of your crystals.

The Support of Oolong is:

  • Love
  • Serenity
  • Reflection
  • Emotional Balance


Rosemary as an herb carries the properties of 

  • Purifying
  • Healing
  • Energy
  • Love


Lavender, which in Latin means “to wash”.  Sort of just makes sense doesn’t it!

Properties of lavender:

  • Healing
  • Gentleness
  • Releases Blocking Energy


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Wonderful taste and smell of organic wild Peppermint from ancient Siberian woods

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Peppermint is healing, attracts good spirits, and smells amazing.  

Properties of peppermint:

  • Clean
  • Stress-relieving

Lay a bed of herbs (since I love tea I love to use one of my Gaiwan bowls for this) and lay your stone(s) on the bed, as you begin to cover your stones make sure you speak to your crystals about your efforts to cleanse them.  

Another choice would be to bury your stone(s) as above and place them into the full moonlight, then in the morning remove your stones and allow them to charge in the sunlight.  

It’s not good to reuse your herbs but to burn or compost and offer thanks for their generous giving in the cleansing of the stone(s).  

To get you started on your crystal journey I suggest this set of Chakra crystals.  Well balanced and ready to energize and protect.

There are also other kits to charge your crystals with intent such as:


Love – Rose, basil, Thyme, Oolong 

Wealth  Irish Moss, bayberry, Chamomile, Cloves,

Protection – Tonka Beans, Basil, Sage, Eucalyptus, 

Healing – Lavender, Mint, Chamomile, Green Tea

It’s time to charge your crystals with intent.  This is a serious time for both you and the crystals as you give them the power they need for a job you desire.  

Whether it’s Love, Wealth, Protection, or Healing your crystals will be charged with herbs and the power of your words.  A spoken word is a powerful tool as proven by Dr. Emoto and his frozen word experiment.  

I’ve also penned a book about the power of words with a unique experiment you can do at home and is a great way to teach children the power of their words as well.

But, back to your crystals, the spoken word along with the perfect balance of herbs will set you on the right track.    

6 thoughts on “Using Herbs to Charge Your Crystals and Why You Need To”

  1. hey Lisa
    first of al thank you for your excellent gaudiness. the site is very well written with perfectly explained information, therefor it is easily understandable especially for a beginner . thank you for that, mostly the sites I come round have really complicated explanations. however, I do have one question. I will be using rosemary for my crystals, but does this rosemary have to be dried? or can I just use fresh rosemary?
    thank you in advance

    1. Hi Ellen,
      Thanks for reading and stopping by. I love, that you too feel a need to refresh your crystals. It’s important, they work hard for us. Here are my thoughts on using fresh rosemary. First I’d worry about the oils of the rosemary somehow attaching to the stones (depending on what you are using). You can do some research and check the hardness of your crystals. The reason I like dried is no matter what you use, fresh leaves will eventually dry as well. Are you growing your own rosemary? Just curious. If so, it’s easy to dry and if they are store bought the process is the same. Hand them upside down on a string. I use a thread. I leave my herbs out so people do see them, it’s a great conversation starter. They dry in a week or so.

      Why are you using rosemary? Are you adding any other herbs? Just curious.
      Take care and please stay in touch!

      Lisa B.

  2. Found out more about the healing properties and benefits of rose quartz from Takanta’s guide. It’s now my personal fave crystal and love the reminder to cleanse them! <3

    1. The power of crystals. While I don’t read a bible often there is a scripture that talks about “people being silent and the rocks will cry out” Even the bible mentions the power of rocks. I have crystals throughout my home and my purse.

      Enjoy the journey and thank you so much for being here.

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