What Are Fruit Teas And When Did They Become So Popular?

What is better than tea? Tea and your favorite fruit? Herbal teas are growing in interest. The health benefits along with great taste mean more interest. There are so many different varieties and ways to enjoy fruit tea. Are there any fruits we should not put in our tea? Let’s dive into this article and find out.

When did we put fruit in tea?

The first record fruits were figs. Figs were found in the ruins of a prehistoric Jericho Village on the West bank. These are noted as being the first evidence of any domesticated fruit crop. Are figs used in current days? Yes, they are. I found THIS TEA with figs infused.

Very interesting. Fig tea is great for the kidneys as well as a ton of other benefits.

The history of a fruit tea or tisane can be dated back to the Chinese use of ayurvedic medicines. The tea that was made was called Kadhas. Kadhas was an infusion of several different herbs, fruits, and spices. Today this tea is still made. Kadhas is accredited for helping all three of your doshas.

We all remember the Boston Tea party. Following the inflated prices of tea. The blockades kept tea exports away from the ports. People leaned onto what they knew and started to brew herbs and fruits to satisfy their hot “tea” cravings.

I would love to explore individual fruits for teas. That would be impossible to cover in one blog post. It’s such an interesting concept of infusing tea with sweet fruits.

Adding fruits goes back as long as tea has been served. Adding fruit adds sweetness and some tartness to the tea. The sweetness from the fruit is not overpowering. Plus you get the wonderful flavor of the fruit you add.

Adding a combination of fruits can add to the benefits and flavor.

Some favorite fruits are:

  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Lemon
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberry
  • Raspberry
  • Peach
Passionfruit Tropical Blend Tea

The flavors of passionfruit and mango sparkle on the tongue, developing even more flavor as it cools.

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What types of fruits can you use?

Fresh – you can add fresh fruits directly to your teas or tisanes. I’d chop them up to release the flavors. A favorite way is to smash them and strain them into your tea after it is finished brewing. Hot or Cold.

Dried – Dried fruits are a favorite of tea manufacturers to add to tea. One of my favorite things to do is to eat some of them prior to brewing. A downfall to dried fruits is that at times they are sugar-coated.

If you add fruits to your teas it’s an infusion but a “tea” made with just fruit, herbs, or spices is called a tisane. Fruits with or without tea can be drunk both hot and cold.

You can add whole, sliced, or diced fruit to your teas. Another way to infuse fruits is by crushing your fruits. Straining them and add them into your tea mixture.

My two favorite fruit teas


Teavivre Pineapple Coconut Fruit Tea

Fresh and slightly sour with obvious pineapple flavor and rich coconut aroma

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Enzymes – The enzymes of pineapple help eat up the acids in an upset stomach. Add some mango and you have a superacid fighter.

Vitamin C – Pineapple is rich in vitamin C.

Antioxidants – Pineapple tea can help boost the immune system. This helps it function stronger and better.

Pregnancy – The nutrients contained in pineapple-like copper and some B vitamins help boost the immune system in pregnant women.

Dragon Fruit

Our Pick
KATY'S ® Dragonfruit Loose Leaf Tea

Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, and Dragonfruit Pieces, Orange Peels, Rose Hips, Hibiscus, Lemon Verbena, Marigold Flowers, Rose Petals, Natural Organic Dragonfruit Flavor

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02/22/2025 05:08 pm GMT

Dragon fruit and dragon fruit tea are a little more difficult to find. Because of that, Dragon fruit tea costs a bit more. Supply and demand dictate the costs of our items.

Vitamin C – like most fruits Dragon fruit is high in vitamin C. A great immune booster and helps to stave off a cold.

Iron – Iron in dragon fruit tea can help raise your iron levels.

Antioxidants – as with most fruit teas. The antioxidants help protect cells against damage and fight off radical behavior against cells.

Fruit tea benefits

The fun of drinking fruits in your tea is that you can personalize your cup with the fruits you want. Each fruit carries its own benefits. That may take some research on your part or just check my blog posts :-).

The flavors that you can use to enhance your tea. You can personalize your cup of tea with the fruits you enjoy. Jazz up your cup by adding more than one fruit. Experiment by adding unique fruits. Try watermelon.

The fun thing about adding fruits to your tea is that the fruits maintain their benefits as well as their flavors.

One of the biggest benefits of fruits is Vitamin C

Another benefit is that you can sweeten your tea without any added sugar.

Fruit Basket Tea

Fruit Medley is a jammy sweet mix of strawberry, hibiscus flowers, apples, rose hips and lemongrass. Deep, rich fruity flavor, sweet-spicy aroma, full-bodied and refreshing.

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Other benefits to fruit teas are:

Stress Relief – Stress causes our bodies and mind to act out. Stressed out, we can’t sleep, our stomachs are upset and we can’t concentrate. Many other things are affected by stress. Taking time out for a cup of tea and some relaxation soothes so many stress-induced problems.

Stomach Soothing – Some fruits like pineapple and mango are enzymatic. These are beneficial in calming an acidic or upset stomach.

Antioxidants – The antioxidants in tea and fruits are anti-aging. Some work better than others. Antioxidants help protect our cells from free radicals.

Blood Pressure – Fruit teas can help to normalize high blood pressure. Add a healthier diet plan and you have a better health plan.

Vitamin C – Fruits are jam-packed with vitamin C. Vitamin C is great for your skin and hair. Vitamin C is also a great source to help fight off colds.

Sugars – Fruits bring along their own sugar. Plant-based and natural.

Caffeine – Tisanes are made of fruit, fruits do not contain caffeine. So a true tisane is caffeine-free.

Adagio Pina Colada Tea

A mouthwatering blend of ripe pineapple, coconut, fresh apples, rose hips and tangy hibiscus. Fruit flavor with citrus notes and grounding sweetness from the coconut. Completely caffeine-free, with no added sweeteners

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Is fruit tea actually tea?

Fruit tea is actually a tisane.

We tend to like to combine all items into one brand name:

  • Kleenex
  • Vicks
  • Chapstick
  • Bubble Wrap
  • Scotch Tape
  • Onesies
  • Crock-Pot

The list can go on and on…

We also do it with tea. Anything we heat in the water is considered a “tea”.

Making your own fruit tea


A simple and easy homemade fruit tea recipe

  • Bring your water to a boil
  • Add your favorite tea
  • Wait a few moments for the tea to cool a bit
  • Add fruit at this time
  • Let simmer


Fruit tea recipes:

  • Add lime to your green tea
  • Add pear slices and goji berries to your green teas
  • Add yummy honey and lemon juice to your matcha
  • Add apple to a black tea

The list and combinations are endless.

Fruit Tea Concerns

We read about all the benefits of fruit teas. There are just a few things to consider when drinking them.

AcidityThis study explains the erosion of teeth enamel by those who consume an abundance of fruit (herbal) teas. All things in moderation you never have to worry about this. Too much of a good thing can always fail to benefit us. This erosion can lead to tooth decay or worse the loss of a good tooth.

Glycemic levels – If you are watching your calories or on a keto diet fruit tea is not for you. While healthy by all means the glycemic levels will rise with the natural sugars in fruit.

Ingredients – if you are purchasing your fruit tea, read the ingredients. Make sure that fruit is being used and not fruit essence. Be careful of natural and artificial flavors as well. If you are looking for a healthy tea, find the real thing.

Fruity Dream from California House Teas

A naturally caffeine-free, fruit infused tea with vitamin boost and packed with flavors

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While we are sipping our fruit teas imagine all the health benefits included. You can make your own or buy teas that are prepared with fruits as well. There is such a variety. I enjoy my own fruit tea creations with smashed-up fruits strained right into my tea. YUM! What’s your favorite fruit-infused tea?

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