10 Herbs and Teas for A Healthy Liver Detox

Detoxing is not always a pleasant subject. I do a heavy detox once a year. I rest my body and cleanse it. I give my organs a break. Aches and pains leave your body. Energy enters the body.

How do you detox your liver naturally? Using tea for liver detox is not the same as a whole body detox. A liver cleanse tea is directed to the specific organ to detox and help the liver function better. 

The function of the liver

So, what does the liver actually do and why does it need to be detoxed?

The liver is a gray organ that is on the right side. It is protected by the rib cage. The average liver weighs around 3 pounds. It is divided into a left and right side or lobe.

While the liver is a powerhouse it is aided in its function by the pancreas and intestines. 

The liver filters blood from the digestive tract. The liver takes that blood and detoxifies it of chemicals and toxins. This process produces bile. Bile heads back to our digestive tract to be eliminated. Yes, you need your liver. The liver is a filter for toxins. Our livers work overtime day and night. Considering most of what we put into our bodies is not the healthiest of choices.

Why should you take care of your liver?

Why not? It’s a part of your body! It’s a filter that works like a powerhouse to keep you healthy. A small detox now and again can never hurt. Give this organ a break, a rest if you will. In our toxic world, I can imagine a liver is stressed out. You never want a stressed-out organ.

A stressed-out or failing liver can lead to: 

  • Cirrhosis
  • Hepatitis
  • Liver cancer
  • Liver failure
  • Ascites
  • Gallstones
  • Hemochromatosis

Today we will do our best to work on some teas and herbs to help declutter the liver and help it do its job. It’s sort of an apology for taking in all the crap food and toxins we consume on a daily basis.

Today we love on your liver… 

How do you flush out your liver

When we do a detox we generally are detoxing the entire body, as a whole. This is a great thing to do on a regular basis as I do. But, when you want to focus on a singular organ a detox is a completely different thing. On my detox, I am still consuming juices and my liver is still very active in cleaning the toxins from my blood.

When you detox an organ you use herbs and teas that are specific to the nature of that organ. A liver detox is not a fast or diet. A liver detox is ingesting foods, herbs, and teas that will aid the liver. Flush the liver out and cleanse it.

Companies mean well. They really do. They mix a bunch of different herbs. Add some licorice root (for sweetness). Then they produce an enjoyable liver detox tea.

Liver detox is more on the sour or bitter side of detoxification. You need that bitterness to stimulate and produce a cleansing or detox. So, a sweet, fun detox mix may not always be the correct detox to use.

Most detoxing herbs are bitter. There is a reason for that. The bitterness helps to stimulate the bile juices, causing elimination. Bitterness is also a factor in the reduction of fat. It also helps to reduce the formation of kidney stones that are calcified.

Health benefits of liver detox 

A cleansed liver is ready to go to work and work well. Some of the added benefits to a well-running liver are: 

Boosted metabolism – A healthy liver boosts the metabolism, burns fat faster, and increases our immune system to fight off disease.

More energy – When you detox the liver you stop eating those things that cause the body to be sluggish and slow us down. As the liver detoxes, the body speeds up.

Reduction in bloating and gas – Liver detoxing helps remove inflammation and toxins. Will also help the bile move easier through the intestines. 

Improved blood pressure – When the liver is sick or working hard the blood vessels grow and produce collateral blood vessels that cause high blood pressure. A detox will remove that pressure and improve blood pressure.

Improved cholesterols levels – Most cholesterol is made in the liver. For a healthy balance of that cholesterol, you need a healthy liver.

Clearing up skin issues – As the liver functions correctly toxins are removed. Skin inflammations and problems clear up.

Weight loss – A rested and the clean liver the liver will be better at removing fat and toxins from the body 

While detoxing the liver you may experience no issues or you may experience some or all of the following: 

  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Upset stomach
  • Nausea

What teas are good for the liver

Green Tea – Green tea helps to speed up the metabolism and reduce fatty liver disease by about 75% in mice that were on a high-fat diet. This is according to a Penn State University research. While the study was with mice it does give hope that similar results may happen in adults. Green tea is rich in polyphenolic catechins. These help aid the non-alcoholic liver in detoxing.

Burdock Root – a bitter herb that is used to protect the liver. Being bitter helps to stimulate the production of bile. By stimulating the production of bile it increases the liver’s ability to remove toxins. Also helps to purify the blood.

Chicory root – Often used by tea drinkers to wean themselves off of coffee. Chicory root helps to detoxify the liver, naturally. It also helps protect the body from cell damage and oxidative stress. 

Jujube Fruit – I’m learning more and more about Chinese herbs and using them in my own health rituals. Jujube fruit is one of those herbs that is used for detoxification and fat-burning issues. Jujube fruit goes by the name of Da Zao. Da Zao is a calming herb to ease stress in our lives. Stress can wreak havoc on our health. When the liver is overloaded Da Zao can calm that stress. It also works to detox the spleen and pancreas which are affected by an overloaded and overworked liver.

Milk Thistle – If you talk about liver detox this is the first herb that comes to mind. Milk thistle is renowned for its protection of the liver, strengthening the cell walls, and lowering inflammation. Milk thistle protects the liver from toxins and disease.

Rose Tea – When the liver is needing to detox it can cause the body and mind to become depressed. Rose helps maintain the proper flow of the energy to release the body from that depressed state.

Schizandra Berry Tea – Schizandra is a herb considered by Chinese medicine and an adaptogen. The berries contain all five of the taste sensations: bitter, salty, sweet, sour, and pungent. These berries boiled in water act as a flavonoid (quercetin and hesperetin). The antioxidants help rid the body of free radicals that cause liver damage. 

Phyllanthus – This herb has been studied for its liver-protecting abilities. Helps to eliminate the liver, gallbladder, and kidney stones. Stimulates the liver to cause the liver to remove toxins and particles that are foreign to it. Phyllanthus is bitter. Infuse these berries in water to help protect the liver and detox its pathways. 

Gotu Kola – I’ve taken this in pill form before. Gotu kola is known to support both liver and kidney health. Many benefits are associated with Gotu Kola. In tea form, we call it Pegaga. Pegaga should be consumed 2 times a day and on a continuous basis. As a superfood Pegaga should be consumed cold. Another somewhat bitter “pill to swallow”. You can add some light honey to mask the taste.

Turmeric – Turmeric may not be bitter but curcumin is an active compound that has a bit of spice to the tea. Curcumin is used to flush the toxins from the body, including the liver. It can help fight against liver damage and help to protect liver cells. Turmeric may also help improve the health of the gallbladder. Together the liver and gallbladder will function better as a team.

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02/23/2025 10:07 am GMT

Liver detox tea recipes


Beet juice liver detox 

  1. 3-4 small raw beets or 1 large raw beet, cut into 2-inch pieces
  2. 1 tablespoon sea salt


  • Place the beets in a 2-quart glass or ceramic pitcher. 
  • Cover with water and stir in the sea salt. 
  • Cover with a clean cloth and place in a dark cool place for 3 days. 
  • After 3 days, remove the beets and store the kvass in the fridge. It will keep for about 2 weeks.

Another liver detox recipe 

  • 2.5 Tablespoons of organic parsley/cilantro
  • 1/2 organic cucumber
  • A handful of fresh organic greens
  • 1/2 of a lemon (peeled and seeded)
  • Add a little raw honey if it’s too bitter for you
  • Add 1/2 banana if you like a “smoother” smoothie


While detoxing is all the rage. Be cautious with your liver detox. It can cause more damage than good. Detoxes can harm the liver and cause damage like that from hepatitis. All things in moderation. All things are advised after a doctor’s consult to verify there is indeed a liver issue.

A detox is not a diet. Do not detox your body with the desire to lose weight. Detox is used to remove toxins from your body and reset them.

Foods that do not help the liver function properly. 

Fatty foods – Fatty foods of course include anything that is fried in oil. Fast foods and many takeout items. Packed and processed foods and snacks as well. For me, even an avocado is a bit too much for my liver to process. Sometimes even a healthy item can end up on the forbidden list. Know your body and how it reacts to certain foods.

Starchy foods – These should be off-limits for everyone, almost all the time. I call them useless carb hard foods. They include bread, pasta, cakes, or baked goods.

Sugar – I’ve not eaten much sugar in past years. I gave it up long ago. But you can still take in sugar that is sneakily hidden in our foods. Make sure to read your labels and know what is in your food. 

Salt – Ahhh my next vice. I do love sugar. Watch pre-packed items like soups and pasta meals. These sodium levels are insane. Canned meats and veggies as well use salt as a way to preserve the food. Deli meats, cold cuts, and bacon are also high in sodium.

Alcohol – Needless to say. Alcohol is okay in moderation for some people. If your liver can’t handle a drink, don’t! It’s not worth the pain it can cause. Give your liver the break that it needs!


We live in a toxic world. We don’t even have to try to become exposed to toxins. Every day our liver is working harder and harder to keep our bodies safe. Drinking a liver cleansing tea is one of the things we can do to help our liver function better.

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