100 Tea Facts, How Many Do You Know?

My love of tea first started sitting at my Grandmother’s plastic covered table.

Her and I, between us a china bowl of sugar cubes and a china tea cup and saucer in front of each of us.

It was our time to be calm, to talk about the day.

I will never forget those moments or how it felt to be so grown up at the age of 5 sipping what must have been a hot Pekoe tea.

The time was so special and made a memorable mark in my mind. Tea brings me back to that moment, those feelings every time I stop and think of the magic of tea.

Tea is a factual drink, it brings joy and healing. I wanted to share with you some interesting facts about tea.

Facts are a treasure and so interesting. I enjoyed researching, reading and looking up 100 facts about tea.

Here they are:

100 Tea Facts


  1. China has 36% of the world production of tea
  1. Japan is famous for Matcha
  1. The United States is the least producer of tea at less then 1%
  1. A tisane is not a tea (it’s an herbal)
  1. Mint Tea aids in digestion
  1. Ginger “tea” has anti inflammatory qualities
  1. All teas come from a single plant Camellia Sinensis
  1. The CTC method of tea stands for Crush, Tear and Curl
  1. Blooming teas are hand crafted and unravel to a beautiful flower
  1. Tea is the national drink in Iran served with cubed or crystal sugar
  1. China is the world’s largest producer of tea
  1. Herbal “teas” offer many medicinal benefits
  1. Black tea is the most known of all the teas
  1. A tea pet is really a thing
  1. We believe tea was discovered by Emperor Shen Nung
  1. Tea was a luxury
  1. Buddhist monks gave tea as gifts
  1. Iced tea is said to have been created in St. Louis at the World’s fair in 1904
  1. The Queen of England enjoys Earl Grey with no sugar or milk to start her day
  1. Tea bags were invented in the United States around 1908
  1. Slippery Elm aids the throat, mouth and stomach
  1. Tea arrived in Canada in 1716
  1. Current day costs of the tea thrown into the harbor during the Boston Tea Party is < $700,000.
  1. Red Tea from China is actually black tea
  1. Three years until a tea plant can be first harvested
  1. The “Agony of Tea” is hot water uncurling the tea leaves
  1. Rooibos tea comes from a bush in South Africa
  1. Bubble tea started in the 1980’s in Taiwan
  1. Olive Tea originated in Italy (made with olive leaves)
  1. Chamomile tea calms you
  1. There are four major types of teas: Black, Green, White and Oolong
  1. 85% of tea consumed in the United States is Iced Tea
  1. Lipton tea factory is located in Dubai
  1. 32 cases of tea was thrown into the harbor during the Boston Tea Party
  1. A standard tea bag contains one teaspoon of tea or herbs
  1. Tea arrived in Russia in the 1600’s
  1. Tulsi tea helps anxiety and has been known to relieve headaches
  1. Tea was used as part of a dowry
  1. Emperor Shen Nung discovered tea in 2737 BCE
  1. Ezekiel 47:12 and the fruit there will be for me and the “LEAF” for medicine
  1. The first tea bags were made of silk – Thomas Sullivan
  1. Butter tea (Tibet) is made from black tea, butter and salt
  1. Genmaicha is made from green tea and roasted brown rice
  1. The Boston Tea Party used tea because it was considered upscale and taxed
  1. Only the top 1-2 inches of the Tea Plant are used to make tea
  1. Tea was used as a currency in ancient China
  1. Use tea bags and black tea to reduce puffy eyes
  1. Matcha is green tea ground to a powder
  1. Tea was precious cargo at one time and reserved only for the rich and elite
  1. Tea is my favorite drink contact me for a prize
  1. It tea around 2,000 tiny leaves to make one pound of finished tea
  1. Timing and water are crucial elements to a good cup of tea
  1. Who said: “Coffee, Tea or Me? John Cusack in Working Girl
  1. Three billion cups of tea are consumed worldwide
  1. Tasseography – the art of reading tea leaves
  1. Tea absorbs moisture and scents that are around it
  1. Moroccan Mint tea is a favorite in the Middle East
  1. Yerba Mate is a South American favorite calling it “ The drink of the Gods”
  1. Traditional Chinese tea ceremony is called a Gongfu
  1. The cup used in that ceremony is called a Gaiwan
  1. There is a talent to pouring from a Gaiwan
  1. Pantyhose tea got it’s name from the device used to strain the tea
  1. Tea is the most popular drink… after water
  1. One tea bush can yield tea for up to 50 years (or more)
  1. Tea contains less caffeine then coffee
  1. Use cold tea on those sunburn spots to ease the pain
  1. You can reuse your tea leaves (to get more then one cup full)
  1. Boiling water is a no no to brew tea with
  1. There is no decaf tea (some teas contain more or less caffeine)
  1. You can take a bath in tea (it’s very relaxing)
  1. The first tea book was written by Lu Yu in 800 AD
  1. Tea tree oil does not come from the Camellia Sinensis plant
  1. Chrysanthemum tea is used to reduce fevers and headaches
  1. The best green teas come from late April to early May first harvest
  1. Tea was used as an ingredient in alcoholic punches as far back as the 1700’s
  1. The teapot has three main parts: the handle, the spout and the body.
  1. A religious sect in Malaysia worships a giant teapot (yes really)
  1. World’s largest teapot is in Navasota, Texas
  1. Some areas of Europe believed sprinkling tea leaves in front of the house to ward off evil spirits
  1. If the lid of a teapot falls off during brewing it signifies a strange will be visiting
  1. Making tea that is weak means you will lose a close friendship
  1. So strong means you will gain a new friend
  1. Tea contains L-theanine which has shown to have beneficial effects on the brain
  1. Tea is eaten in Burma in a process known as lephet where tea leaves are picked, softened, cooled, rolled and put underground to age
  1. Da-Hong Pae is the most expensive tea in the world ($1,000,000 per kilogram)
  1. Tea can be used as a die on paper and clothing
  1. Tea can be used to clean floors and windows
  1. Tea is absorbent use it to absorb odors in the refrigerator
  1. 4 is the recommended amount of tea to drink a day
  1. Black tea is processed the longest
  1. White tea the shortest
  1. Tea plants need at least 50 inches of rain a year
  1. A tea plant can grow as tall as 52 feet
  1. $15,250 is the cost of the most expensive tea bag in the world
  1. Famous tea songs: “Tea for Two”, “No No Nanette” and “When I Take Sugar To Tea”
  1. Lipton is the world’s best selling brand
  1. The tannic acid in black tea is said to help remove warts
  1. In Morocco it is the man’s job to pour the tea
  1. Watered down tea is used as “whiskey” in a TV Scene
  1. The most expensive teapot in the world is a rare pair of “melon teapots from 18th century China and sold for $2.8 million.


1 thought on “100 Tea Facts, How Many Do You Know?”

  1. Pingback: California Tea House Review - My Tea Vault

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