What Are The Benefits Of White Tea 

Tea has amazing benefits, we know that. Teas are one of them, if not the, healthiest drinks. Next to water, tea is the most sought after. The benefits of white tea are no exception. Rare and delicate white tea. The processing of white tea is less than any of the other teas. That makes whtie tea very special. The minimal processing is much better. Buds and leaves are processed only at certain times then steamed and dried. Simple and natural.

White tea has been enjoyed for thousands of years. For me it’s an honor to share in a sip of its richness and the depth of history.

History of white tea

The history of tea and the benefits of white tea seem to tell the same ancient folklore about its creation. An emperor boiling water and a leaf falls into his water, he drinks it and likes it. Tea is born! That of course is the very summed up version of the creation of tea as well as folklore. 

After 5,000 years, no one will know the truth about the creation of tea and there are a few stories that float around. One thing that makes me happy is that tea was found, or created. What would my life be without tea?

I read somewhere about an emperor (Hui Zong) that lost his kingdom because his love of tea got out of hand. He was searching for the perfect tea. I always think I find the perfect tea then a few months later I find anon ther one. Perfection is in the cup of the beholder!

Tea is thought to have been discovered during the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty (618-907) tea was prepared in cakes or broken pieces.

The Song Dynasty gets the biggest credit for introducing white tea from 920-1269. Because the tea was so rare and expensive only royalty would get to partake of it. During the Song Dynasty white tea was then powdered and prepared like matcha.

During the Ming Dynasty (1369-1644) the powdered tea became a part of a court ruling. That ruling stated that only the leaves could be served as a tribute to the emperor.

The reason why white tea is considered a rare, delicate, and a royal treat is due to the processing. Tea leaves are handpicked on special days. Tea leaves are not picked when it rains or when the ground is damp with fog. The leaves and buds are harvested once a year in the spring and only on a select few days.

Perfection is the word that comes to mind. Every detail perfected from location, climate, harvesting and processing. Pure perfection.

White tea is grown in the mountains of Fujian Province, China. The only part of the tea bush that is used for white tea are the first tender buds. White tea gets its name from the silvery fuzz that covers the buds and turns white when the tea is dried.

The brewing time is what makes the difference between white teas. Silver needle are delicate and sweet with light vegetal flavor. Moving down the line to other white teas the brew and flavor both become darker and stronger.

Benefits Of White Tea

White tea is minimally processed. Because it is minimally processed it makes white tea the healthiest of the teas. White tea contains more nutritional value.

The benefits of white tea include high amounts of antioxidants. White tea also contains polyphenols, catechins, and other nutrients. The amount of nutrients contained in white tea makes it a very healthy tea.

Catechins – A variety of catechins in white tea including Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG). EGCG is known for it’s cancer fighting properties.

Tannins – Lower tannin levels making white tea less bitter and slightly sweet. While the tannins are low they are still enough there to benefit the tea drinker.

The list of benefits of white tea and in general all tea could go on and on. These are a few of the health benefits of white tea. What are you waiting for? Go grab a cup!

Theaflavins (TFs) – Theflavins are lowest in White tea. That is what gives it a sweet flavor and less astringency taste like other teas.

Healthy Skin – White tea promotes healthy skin. By eliminating free radicals that cause the skin to age. Free radicals lead to aging skin from stress, poor diet and sun damage. By drinking white tea, antioxidants help protect the skin from free radicals. 

Cancer prevention – The flavonoids in white tea have an incredible effect against cancer causing cells. These flavonoids fight against many cancers including colon, Prost and stomach. White tea also contains RNA, RNA prevents the mutation of genetic cells that can lead to cancer.

Hair Health – The antioxidant EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) can enhance hair growth and help prevent early hair loss. Topically you can use white tea enhance the shine of hair as well.

Improves Calmness, Focus, and Alertness – The L-theanine in white tea is the highest of all the teas. L-theanine helps improve alertness and focusing within the brain. The brain calms down and allows for increased focus. White tea also contains less caffeine. Consumption of many cups a day will not have the negative effects of too much caffeine.

Oral Health – Fluoride! White tea contains a small amount of fluoride and other nutrients. These will help keep strong teeth strong and healthy. The tannins and flavonoids also kill the bacteria. Bacteria that causes other dental issues like plaque buildup and decay.

Diabetes – A study (2011 Chinese study) showed that regular consumption of white tea helps to reduce blood glucose . Blood glucose was lowered by 48% and insulin increased.

Reduces Inflammation – The antioxidants in white tea helps reduce inflammation. They also boost anti-inflammatory properties. this helps relieve minor aches and pains. A Japanese animal study, showed that catechins found in white tea aided in quicker muscle recovery and less muscle damage.

Heart Health – While drinking white tea the blood thins. Blood pressure lowers and it also, reducing cholesterol. White tea helps the entire circulatory system. By drinking 2 cups a day reduces the risk of dying from a heart attack by 50%.

Strong Bones -Drinking white tea on a regular basis, studies have shown, bone density and strength of bones are greater than non-drinkers.

Varieties Of White Tea

There are only four main varieties of white tea. They are as follows: 

Bai Hao Yin Zhen (Silver Needle) – The finest of white teas that comes from the Fujian province of China. Silver Needle is the most prized white tea in the world. Silver Needle made from only the buds and is one of the best known of the white teas. The buds give off a silvery finish. The flavor is light, delicate, and can be slightly sweet depending on processing. This is a must-try tea for the tea connoisseur. Silver Needle is a prime tea that is only picked on two days out of a year. That is a special tea.

Bai Mudan (White Peony) – Following Bai ao Yin Zhen is Bai Mudan or White Peony. White Peony reminds me of soft flakes with a few buds and leaves rolled in. The highest grade of White Peony contains both buds and leaves. Cultivated in China White Peony is a stronger tea both in flavor and color. White Peony is rare and expensive. White peony is produced only in one area the Fujian Province of China and harvested only in the spring.

Shou Mei (Long Life Eyebrow) – Long Life Eyebrow is made from the remnants of Silver Needle and White Peony. Shou Mei is considered a lesser quality tea. Shou Mei does not include the buds of the tea. It has a stronger taste of all the white teas.

Gong Mei (Tribute Eyebrow) – Gong Mei is made from a different tea bush called Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai is processed in a different way than the above white teas. It is still considered a lesser quality tea than the others as well.

Monkey Picked White Tea – Monkey picked white tea is thought to be harvested by Buddhist-trained monkeys. The monkeys would climb from the highest wild tea treetops in mountainous regions of China. Monkey-picked is a term now used today to denote a very high-quality Chinese tea. This tea is made from the buds and young leaves of the tea plant.

Darjeeling White Tea – Darjeeling White Tea is not cultivated from the original Chinese white tea plant. It is cultivated from a variety of tea plants native to the Darjeeling region of India. The processing method is like the Fujian white teas. The flavor profile tends to be much different.

How to brew white tea

White tea has a light flavor, you can steep a white tea longer than any of the other teas.

Generally guidelines say to bring your water to 170 to 185 F (76 to 85 C).

You can brew from between 3-5 minutes.

Enjoy your white tea simply as it is or add honey, sugar, cream or milk. Create your own brew by adding herbs, spices or fruits and ENJOY!


The prestigious white tea. After reading all this information on white tea More honored than ever to sip on a cup of white tea. An incredible cup of tea. The benefits of white tea in each cup of tea are some of the best. A cup of tea with more healing properties because of its minimal processing.

My favorite white tea is the White Peony. Make sure you get your white tea from a reliable source and try single estate first, then move on to your infusions.

I love to think of the journey from the mountains to my cup, what a journey!

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