What Are The Benefits Of Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate of course is not a true tea. Yerba Mate starts off as a shrub and grows into a tree. The one thing in common with coffee is caffeine. One of the many benefits of Yerba Mate is that it does not give you the jitters. There is no jumpy caffeine withdrawal. The release of the caffeine in Yerba Mate is smooth and easy. The journey of learning about Yerba mate is also a journey into the amazing health benefits of Yerba mate tea.

Yerba Mate

Yerba mate tea is from South America and was first planted by Jesuit missionaries. The botanical name is ilex paraguariensis. Named by a French botanist Auguste François Cesar Prouvençal de saint-hilaire. The plant itself is found in the wild but now is grown on organized plantations. The name Yerba Mate translates into “mate herb”. Oh and then there is this nickname: “ The green gold of the Indies”.

Yerba mate is a small tree or shrub from the holly ( Aquifoliaceae) genus. Yerba mate can grow up to 49 feet tall. The leaves are evergreen and 1-2 inches in length. The leaves are called yerba in Spanish or even in Portuguese. Both words mean herb. The leaves are called yerba in Spanish or even in Portuguese. Both words mean herb. Yerba mate also develops flowers and fruit. Yerba Mate was first used by the indigenous Guarani people.

The branches of Yerba Mate are dried by a wood fire, giving it a smoky flavor. It is brewed from the leaves of the Yerba Mate tree native to Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil. The liquor is a shade of green. The caffeine content is similar to that of green tea.

In many parts of South America, yerba mate tea is much more popular than coffee. Averaging 11 pounds a year per capita. Served hot it is called mate in South America. Served cold it’s referred to as terere in Guarani. It is consumed in South America as a simple beverage. The customary way to drink Yerba Mate is with a straw inserted into a gourd.

If someone offers you their gourd, it’s a sign of friendship. It is also considered a normal practice among friends who are out together. It’s very similar to how we gather around the dinner table and share and talk about our day. Sharing your gourd of Yerba Mate is bonding and creating friendships. Today the gourds can be made from metal, wood, ceramic, or silicone.

Yerba Mate is most popular in Paraguay and Uruguay. It is considered an energy drink in the United States. But it is the national drink of Argentina.

From a small bush to a large tree across the ocean and into the cup of a bestselling author Tim Ferriss. 

Yerba mate has found a niche among brain hackers. They are seeking to optimize mental performance with anything that can give them an edge.

Bestselling author Tim Ferriss is among the most famous biohackers. Tim admits he’s experimented extensively with brain-enhancing substances. And, in the end, his all-time favorite brain-enhancing substance is yerba mate. He prefers it over coffee since he experiences no crashes and finds it non-addictive. And unlike smart drugs, it has no “payback time.” He makes a special brew of yerba mate with ginger and turmeric that he calls “titanium tea.” On his blog The Tim Ferriss Show he reveals that yerba mate is part of his personal recipe for creativity on demand and that his favorite brand by far is Cruz De Malta Yerba Mate.

Tim Ferriss is one of my favorite content creators and authors. His books will astound you at the depth that is involved. I find his books more encyclopedias of modern-day help and advice. Tim Ferriss is also a yerba mate fan. He writes about yerba mate in one of his books and in his blog posts. Tim has his personal recipe for creativity that includes 3 cups of yerba mate. His favorite two favorite brands: 

Kiss Me Organics Yerba Mate Tea

Transform the usual caffeine crash into a sustained, energy-boosting ritual with our Yerba mate herbal tea leaves, cultivated from Southern Brazil.

Buy Now

Benefits of yerba mate

Before 2011 there were no double-blind clinical trials of Yerba Mate. Since 2011 there have been a few studies that have shown some benefits of Yerba Mate. 

Burns Fat – During moderate to intense exercise burned fat with the consumption of 1 gram capsule of powdered Yerba Mate. Using fat as fuel (keto lovers pay attention) is a higher reliance.  Yerba Mate causes more fat to be used burned fat

Antimicrobial – In a mixture of apple juice in a beaker Yerba Mate extract was shown as a natural antimicrobial against E-coli

Antioxidants – This study shows the importance of antioxidants and the immune system

Anti Inflammatory – effects of Yerba mate and insulin resistance (in obese mice)

Bone density – increased by 10% on average by postmenopausal women who drank Yerba Mate.

Certain cancer reductions – Yerba Mate intake shows a significant risk reduction in most the cancers and a rise in postmenopausal

Fluoride Concerns – Yerba Mate has less fluoride than green tea

Heart Disease – The antioxidants contained in Yerba Mate may provide your heart with some added protection.

Cholesterol Levels – Drinking yerba mate can improve serum lipid levels. This helps lower your cholesterol

Colon Cancer Cells Anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer capabilities can be found in yerba mate tea leaves.

Allergies – The polyphenols found in the drink help call the irritation or allergy symptoms

Mood – Composites inYerba Mate can help improve your mood 

Immune System – Saponins and polyphenols in yerba mate help boost the immune system.

Mental Focus – Caffeine can aid your ability to focus on daily tasks 

Energy – At 85 mg of caffeine per cup (less than coffee but more than tea), Yerba Mate can increase your energy levels. But, it does so smoothly and does not cause the jumps and shakes of other caffeinated beverages.

Strong bones – the benefit of Yerba Mate can increase bone density. A study (see above) found that women who were postmenopausal and drank Yerba Mate on a regular basis increased bone density in their spines by almost 10%.

ECOTEAS - Unsmoked Yerba Mate Tea

Yerba mate is an excellent weight loss tea that boosts metabolism, reduces appetite & burns calories. Try this organic detox tea to help cleanse your body from toxins

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02/23/2025 08:37 am GMT

Yerba Mate Nutritional Facts

  • Yerba mate tea contains caffeine 
  • theobromine, that is found in chocolate
  • theophylline, that is found in green tea
  • 196 active compounds, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
  • In 1964 the Pasteur Institute found that Yerba mate contains practically all the vitamins needed to survive.
  • Weight loss
  • As with green tea, Yerba Mate raises your metabolism
  • Digestion
  • Regulates the appetite
  • Antioxidants
  • per cup (8 oz) provide 10,000 umolTE/240 ml (5x more than green tea)

Mineral Contents of Yerba Mate

  • vitamin A
  • vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B5
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin E
  • calcium
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • manganese
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • selenium
  • sodium
  • sulfur
  • zinc

Antioxidants and more

Xanthines: These compounds act as stimulants. They include caffeine and theobromine. These are also found in tea, coffee, and chocolate.

Caffeoyl derivatives: These compounds are the main health-promoting antioxidants in tea.

Saponins: These bitter compounds have certain anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering properties.

Polyphenols: This is a large group of antioxidants, linked to a reduced risk of many diseases.

Contain small amounts of 7 out of the 9 essential amino acids


  • 30 grams per tablespoon
  • Is not acidic like coffee
  • Lower tannins than tea

Yerba Mate Tea

Mate is supergreen and most of psychoactive compounds are preserved. It is heavy on CAFFEINE but it also contains THEOPHILLINE primarily found in tea (less in coffee) and THEOBROMINE (a non-addictive stimulant which, like chocolate, it contains in greater quantities than either coffee or tea)

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02/23/2025 06:22 am GMT

How To Prepare Yerba Mate

There is a customary and almost ritualistic way to serve Yerba Mate. The brewer prepares the gourd. The gourd is handed to each person. Oftentimes sitting in a circle that person will give thanks, take a few sips, handing it back to the brewer. The brewer refills the gourd and hands it to the next person. 

Don’t confuse Yerba Mate with tea, Yerba Mate is still an herb, but an herb with caffeine. Brewed the tisane will taste vegetal, grassy, or like an herb with a smoky influence. It can be slightly bitter but most agree it’s a good taste and a great substitution for coffee. 

You can also infuse your Yerba Mate with a mint or citrus. 

How To Brew Yerba Mate

I suggest buying an organic yerba mate. I suggest buying organic pretty much in every instance in your life. You can purchase yerba mate loose-leaf or in ready-to-use tea bags. I love a teabag option. At work, it’s very hard to brew loose leaf. I would avoid using a roasted yerba mate. Roasting it may add chemicals from the roasting. Yerba mate is aged for a year in cedar chambers

There are many ways to prepare yerba mate that range from super simple to fairly involved. Do not boil your water for yerba mate. Simmer the water. 

To start, you might want to prepare it in a way that requires no special equipment. The easiest way is to brew it like tea using yerba mate tea bags. There’s no need to feel guilty that you’re taking a modern shortcut.

Kids are introduced to Yerba Mate in tea bags. This makes the brew a bit less potent.

You can also make it from loose mate leaves just like you would any loose tea using a strainer or infuser.

If you’ve got a French press, you can make yerba mate in it just as you would coffee. When you are ready for a more authentic experience. You can upgrade to drinking yerba mate from a gourd (calabash) with a silver straw (bombilla).

Yerba Mate Natural Gourd/Tea Cup Set

Yerba Mate is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that can boost your energy and improve your mental focus.

Buy Now
02/23/2025 08:27 am GMT

Is Yerba Mate Right For Everyone?

Drinking any caffeinated beverage in moderation is always suggested. Drinking any beverage to a high degree is not suggested. Data has shown that it can lead to several oral and digestive cancers.

In moderation, yerba mate is safe for just about everyone. Some side effects may arise from the caffeine that includes:

  • upset stomach
  • nervousness
  • sleep problems
  • irregular heartbeat
  • headache
  • ringing in the ears
  • increased breathing from increased heart rate

There are studies that show consuming too much, or too often of a hot beverage may lead to increased cancer risks. Drinking a beverage at 149 degrees Fahrenheit or more can put you at a higher risk. This is not only tea but any hot beverage consumed too much or too often. 

If you smoke (yes you can smoke it) and drink Yerba Mate you stand a chance of increased bladder cancer says one study out of Argentina. The same conditions also apply if you smoke and drink alcohol.

Does Yerba Mate pose any risks? 

Check with your doctor. Some medications for your heart, cancer, depression, diabetes or asthma may cause complications. It can also cause your medication to not work effectively. 

If you are a child, pregnant, or nursing it is suggested to avoid yerba mate.


The first word that comes to mind when I think of Yerba Mate is, coffee! Why? People that don’t know Yerba Mate want to compare it to coffee. I think the only part of Yerba Mate that is like coffee is the color. The color is deep and dark, beyond that Yerba Mate is not coffee. 

But if you want to substitute your coffee with Yerba Mate, good decision! The benefits of yerba mate stand on their own when compared to coffee. Yerba mate is the perfect choice for someone wanting to break or lessen their coffee consumption.

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