Best Teas For Singers – 7 Teas That Soothe The Throat

Unlike other instruments, our voices rarely rest. A singer knows how hard it is to keep a voice in great shape. There are many things that can adversely affect a voice. Those things are colds, poor air quality, allergies, lifestyle, environment, travel, restless nights and overuse.

There’s quite a few reasons why tea can be beneficial for singers. There are 7 teas that will soothe the throat.  These are the best teas for singers.   These teas will help ease that  sore or irritated throat.

Choosing the right tea can actually aid the singer and even help heal a sore irritated throat.



Another perfect tea with combinations of all things nice to benefit your singer's throat. Chamomile to calm, Lemon to coat, and peppermint to soothe.

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I know you might be in a hurry – and you need some tea to soothe your voice for your next recording or show (the fans don’t wait!). So here’s the top tea we recommend – if you want to know why, or see the other reviews, feel free to check them out below. But if you need something now, here’s our top choice:”

The 7 best teas for singers


1. Ginger

Number one choice. Ginger has been used for over 4,000 years by the Chinese and the Indians. Ginger is an amazing immune defense.Ginger soothes your throat. Ginger is packed with antioxidants that can help an overworked or irritated throat. When you are performing your voice and vocal cords. Those antioxidants are important as they will boost your immune system. You can drink ginger tea warm or cold. Add lemon and honey and you have a powerhouse beverage.

There is an Indian Proverb that states: “Everything good is found in ginger”.

Adagio Ginger Tea | Free shipping over $49

Bright notes of sweet heat and lingering fire can give any tea blend a little boldness. Historically used for settling temperamental tummies, and soothing colds, ginger is a favorite spice the world over.

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2. Chamomile

Chamomile is another one of the best teas for singers. It’s hydrating and soothing. Chamomile has the flavor that is earthy, light and floral. Chamomile is a tea that is used to calm the body. It does the same thing for the vocal cords and throat.

When you get a cold, chamomile helps your voice by being anti-inflammatory. This relieves congestion and boosts the immune system.

You can use Chamomile tea to calm your nerves before a show. Then use it to calm you down and get you to unwind and get some sleep. Chamomile teas have a naturally relaxing effect.

Teavivre - Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is characterized by its slight chrysanthemum aroma, soothing, mild, and pleasant. It is an ideal daily tea for both busy workers and older people due to its natural ability to reduce worry and stress.

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3. Licorice Root

Your singer’s throat is going to thank you. Licorice root is one of the most widely used herbs worldwide. Licorice root coats soothe and hydrate the throat. When the congestion starts to set in, singers reach for the licorice root. Licorice root produces clean healthy mucus that pushes out the old. This keeps the respiratory system flowing smoothly.

Licorice root is the single most used herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine today. Licorice root is harvested from the plant’s roots and underground stems. Licorice root’s antimicrobial and antiviral properties help protect a singer’s throat.

Traditional Medicinals Organic Herbal Tea, Licorice Root, 16-Count (Pack of 3)

Soothes the digestive tract and promotes respiratory health. Non-GMO Verified. All Ingredients Certified Organic. Kosher. FairWild Certified. Caffeine Free.

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02/23/2025 07:29 am GMT

4. Sea Moss

An herb from Yunnan that grows on a mountain in the Himalayas. The people of Yunnan have used this herb as a tea for sore throats. Wild white moss contains lichens. Once boiled down into tea it helps to soothe the irritated mucous membranes in the nose and chest. To help the singers more are the polysaccharides that help calm dry nagging coughs.

Wild White moss is an herb that contains no caffeine. Gentle for the singer’s voice. One of the ways it helps an irritated or sore throat is by providing a cooling sensation. This then calms the fire in your throat.

Premium Irish Moss Superfood 2-Pack

Real wildcrafted in open sea coastal inlets - Marine Protected Area - Non GMO - Small Farmer harvested - Fair Pay Advocate. Vegan - Gluten Free - RAW - provides fiber & trace minerals.

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02/23/2025 07:47 am GMT

5. Organic Throat Coat

A game-changer in teas for singers. Slippery elm is a tree that is native to eastern North American and parts of Canada. Oftentimes you will see slippery elm in tea combinations like Throat Coat. Slippery elm is of a thicker consistency and really coats the singer’s throat. Slippery elm make a strong brew. If it is too strong for you add some honey. Honey gives you that extra added throat protection. Soothing, cooling and powerful! Thayer’s also has these little discs that are made of slippery elm. Take one (or two) and put into your cup of water for an incredible soothing beverage.

6. Peppermint

Peppermint is a warming singer’s tea. If you have a cold peppermint tea has more anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces swelling and helps the vocal cords work through any colds or infections. Peppermint tea benefits the singer by reducing inflammation in the throat, chest, and nasal cavity. The hot tea will make you sweat and the menthol will cool you down.

Peppermint is an herb, so drinking a few cups a day to soothe that throat will not be a problem. Peppermint teas will naturally energize you. You won’t need caffeine’s ups and downs but peppermint teas gentle nudge

Traditional Medicinals Tea Moringa with Supermint Sage, 16 ct

When you need to be mentally alert and active but free of caffeine, Moringa Mint is the perfect brew for you. Moringa has been valued for its health benefits by generations of Sri Lankans and others in the Indian sub-continent. The leaves contain a host of vitamins and minerals that provide several health benefits, including controlling blood sugar and blood pressure.

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02/23/2025 07:32 am GMT

7. Japanese Green Tea

The only tea from the Camellia Sinensis plant on the list. Green tea does contain caffeine. While caffeine is not so good for a singer’s voice the other benefits are. All teas contain their share of EGCG and L-Theanine. Green tea stands above them all to help lift the immune system, fight colds, and heal the body. Green teas are not fermented or oxidized. They have the highest levels of antioxidants among all the teas.

Green tea benefits the brain. The benefit to a singer is a sound mind and clarity. Green tea gives you the mental boost you may need to keep you going between sets and shows. Green tea can also be a great beverage to drink. Green tea increases your creativity while writing new songs and working new shows.

Japanese Gokyuzuo Green Tea

Gokyuzyo translates literally to "The Highest Grade" in Japanese. One of the best green teas from a favorite in my cup.

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Best Tea for Singers - My Tea Vault

Even more to benefit a singer’s voice

Drinking a warm cup of tea is soothing for your throat. It’s also meditative. Singers need to concentrate and one of the biggest benefits of a singer’s tea is not drinking it. But in the process of brewing, pouring, and smell, tea has a calming meditative.  The best teas for singers are not always drunk but the process is enjoyed along the way.

Enjoy your tea with as few sweeteners as you can. Honey should be the only choice to sweeten your tea. Honey can assist tea in soothing a singer’s throat. 

Do not add milk to your tea – milk can cause phlegm and increase mucus. This will muffle your tone. 

Tea contains a high amount of antioxidants that will only benefit the singers voice in the long run.

Loose leaf is a better choice over bagged tea. Bagged tea contains tea particles and sometimes a lower grade of tea. The bag may also contain toxins. It’s not always easy to prepare a loose-leaf tea. It’s those times I’m thankful for bagged teas.

Do not add milk or creams to your teas. Milk causes mucus buildup and can muffle the tone of your singing voice.

If you can, always choose Organic/Non-GMO teas. Toxins have infiltrated our daily lives. It’s always a good choice to choose teas and herbs that have not been treated with pesticides or toxins


Blooming teas, adding the floral calming fragrance and scent to the ever healing and soothing properties of green tea. PLUS, they are a work of art! Watch them bloom!

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The fact that drinking anything warm will help soothe a throat. Adding the correct herbs and teas will benefit your voice more. Soothing a singer’s throat and voice by adding antibacterial and antiviral benefits.

I can only imagine the stress not only a singer’s voice has to go through to carry out just one performance.  Can you imagine weeks or months of it?  Tea is beneficial in so many ways.  Tea calms the voice as well as the singer.  Tea also aids the body with amazing healing benefits.

14 thoughts on “Best Teas For Singers – 7 Teas That Soothe The Throat”

  1. Pingback: The Best Teas for Broadcasters - My Tea Vault

  2. purchased bottle of Voice and Throat Tonic at the Arizona Renaissance Fair here and wanted to be able to order it from you as a product, but do not seem to be able to find it on any of the numerous sites your name take me to online. I do not want tea to drink but I am interested in the tonic, so can you help me please.

    1. Hello Michael, Thanks for following me and for asking. I do not know of this product, I would suggest contacting the coordinators of the Arizona RF. They should have a list of all vendors and get you connected with what you need. When you find out, let me know. I’m interested in knowing more about their product. Was it a homemade tonic or a company?

      have the best day ever, stay well. Lisa B.

  3. i need tea that can help my voice relax. oh and just incase you know something about this, do you know any tips on singing and what is you faveorite tea here? i might just get that one.

  4. i need tea that can help my voice relax. oh and just incase you know something about this, do you know any tips on singing and what is you faveorite tea here? i might just get that one.

    1. Hi Rebbeca!

      Oh if I could sing. I do sing but only for my cat. I even make up little diddys about her. I’m sure she’s impressed. For relaxing your voice I would choose the lavender tea. Peppermint and Ginger are more of a learning of the throat. Clove coats and heals, but lavender is very soothing and relaxing. Even, if you made some lavender tea and just breathed it in would help your throat and you to relax.

      I hope that helps. Please stay in touch and let me know what you decided and how it worked.

    1. Lavender would be my number one pick. However licorice root would be great to clear the throat. Peppermint as well. For overworked vocals whether singing or broadcasting I’d pick lavender as it relaxes an soothes. I’d not mix lavender and licorice root though (ewww). 🙂 If I had to combine a few herbs Licorice root, clove, ginger would be exceptional but not to use prior to singer but after as a way to heal and relax the voice.

      Let me know what you think.. Ohhh and Slippery Elm is a great herb as well.. Lots to choose from…

    1. Hi Tammy, my site is experiencing some tech issues. I hope you receive this response. DId you read my article it gives you specific teas to use for singing? Let me know what you think.

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