Smoking Tea Is That Really A Thing And Is It Healthy

Smoking tea.  Yes, that’s correct, roll it, light it, and smoke it. We all know how healthy tea is. But, what about smoking tea? Will smoking tea get you high? Will it interact with your medications? Is smoking tea a healthy idea? Smoking tea, let’s dive right in.

Things to consider before inhaling tea

After doing just a few searches to begin my research on this article I sat here puzzled. Tea smoking is a thing. It seems to be a bit of a popular thing as well. You have to be careful in inhaling anything. Even healthy products outside of smoking can become toxic once smoked.

Fad – There is no research on smoking tea leaves. We have to remember that many other plants have been and continue to be smoked for health benefits to this day.  Decades ago in Vietnam smoking tea was gaining favor.  Now it’s growing interest in the United States

Rolling – Another thing to consider is rolling it. Tea is not always straight or brittle. Rolling a tea cigarette may be an interesting project. There is always the option of bagged tea but rolling dust is not easy to do either.

Interacting with medications – is always a concern. A few people who have smoked tea have had it interfere with the medications they were taking. Always consult with a doctor or pharmacist.

Smoke Inhalation – Then there is that whole thing about sucking smoke into your lungs. Never sounds like a good idea. Even though we know from vaping, caffeine can be inhaled.  When you smoke that tea cigarette you are inhaling harmful chemicals like carbon monoxide.

American Billy - Green Tea Herbal Cigarettes

A non-tobacco cigarette. What’s great about it is it contains no nicotine. It’s also herbal as we have talked about above. American Billy smokes, lights, and flicks just like a regular cigarette. Stated to be 60% lowers in costs. These cigarettes do contain tar and carbon monoxide once smoked.

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02/23/2025 08:54 am GMT

Whoever looked at tea and said I’ll smoke that

Drinking tea for health benefits is one thing. We do know all about the health benefits of green tea.

We also consume teas like matcha baked goods or teas infused into our desserts. But there is a group of tea lovers that like to do other things with their tea. They smoke it.

The smoke would enter the bloodstream faster than sipping a cup. But, do you still see the same healthy results from smoking tea as you do from sipping it? 

By smoking the tea we know the effects of things entering the bloodstream faster. There is no research to conclude that L-theanine is absorbed through inhaling.

Green tea has been smoked in Vietnam for decades. Vietnamese culture smokes many things for healing purposes. They take herbs and wrap them into a ball and smoke through a bamboo pipe. As the global community grew and the sharing of cultures became inevitable. Smoking tea was introduced to the world.

There are various reasons to smoke tea. One main reason is to help stop smoking cigarettes. While many tactics are used to help people stop smoking trading smoke for smoke is not one of them. The only plus of this would be that smoking tea contains no nicotine. There are no addictive chemicals in the tea as long as it is non-GMO and organic.


  • It may help stop cigarette smoking
  • Gets to the bloodstream faster
  • Caffeine rush reaches the system faster
  • It may help calm anxiety 


  • Inhaling toxic smoke
  • No clear research
  • Unsure of its benefit
  • It may have bad effects on medications 
Sacred Tiger 20 Herbal Teas for Smoking Sampler Kit

In this kit, you will receive 20 herbal teas in a sampler size. These are all herbal that can be smoked or brewed in a cup as tea. Smoking alternative: Used as a smoking alternative in a pipe, with rolling papers, or the enclosed cones  Excellent alternative to tobacco and illegal herbs. For those who want to quit smoking or are looking for an alternative

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02/23/2025 08:43 am GMT

Benefits of tea smoking

All the research that went into this article has really opened my eyes to a whole other tea-loving world. The ones who woke up one day and decided to smoke tea. There are those who smoke herbs (no not THAT herb), we are not talking about those. But those that take black, green, or oolong tea, roll it up and smoke it. Interesting. Do you think possibly they look at a green leaf and compare it to a marijuana plant think? I can smoke that? While it’s been proven that marijuana has health benefits even while being smoked. There are no studies for tea at this time. Is it healthy? I’m going to say no. Should you try it? Probably not. There just is not enough evidence that proves it’s safe or beneficial.

There are however college students who smoke tea to relax and push off anxiety. Some athletes who won’t do any chemical drugs have been known to smoke tea in hopes they will burn fat faster. But again, no proof that either of these works.

It is legal compared to other things that could be smoked. There is still not a reason to consume something that could cause as much if not more damage with little positive results.

Taste – There seem to be two kinds of tea cigarettes. Plain and menthol. From what I have read there is not much difference between the two and both have very minimal tastes. With no flavor except a very subtle green and minty taste. They do not taste like a cigarette at all.

Effects – Most testers commented on being lightheaded. Most likely from the inhalation of the smoke. When you inhale smoke it contains carbon monoxide. The oxygen in the body decreases. You will feel lightheaded and the lungs may also become irritated. This can also cause a chemical reaction. The reaction is called chemical asphyxiates causing confusion, fainting, and decreased alertness.

American Billy -Menthol 4 Pack Sampler

The Tea Tobacco ingredient Tea Honey chrysanthemum. 100% tobacco-free, 100% nicotine-free. It can be used as an alternative to cigarettes. Nicotine 0%! A taste that does not make you feel uncomfortable even if you switch from tobacco. The smell is also modest. Supports stress-free smoking cessation!

No additives such as combustion accelerators or preservatives are added.

Buy Now
02/22/2025 05:43 pm GMT

Cautions of tea smoking

The number one concern is inhaling smoke. Why? I honestly do not suggest smoking tea. I personally do not suggest smoking anything. It’s just an unsafe practice to inhale smoke into our lungs and chest.

Another reason would be the reports of it not mixing well with other medications, citing one reader who was on Zoloft and Risperdal. The smoking of green tea caused ill feelings and got sick within the first week. He stopped smoking it. 

There is no high, there is no nicotine or THC

Carbon Monoxide will be present in the smoke and inhaled. Not healthy at all. Tea smoke seems to be thicker and more lung polluting.

There are a few companies that sell pre-rolled tea cigarettes. But please be very careful who you purchase from. Check their site out and look at reviews. Know your sources and make sure what you are inhaling is safe or as safe as it can be.

Sacred Eagle Herbal Smoking Blend with Unbleached Rolling Papers (1 oz Refill Bag)

Social proof

“Nothing went wrong but after smoking a whole green tea cigar I used to sweat profusely. Also, I felt lighter and active.”

“I felt more numb than relaxed. I can report that smoking tea does not get you high. You are inhaling carbon monoxide which can make you lightheaded.”

“I find it interesting that while lifelong tea drinkers and connoisseurs consume green tea in liquid form (or perhaps dabble in treats sprinkled with Matcha), there is a subculture of green tea fans who consume the product by smoking it.”


As we conclude we do understand that tea is smokeable. It’s low moisture content. You can roll it into a cigarette with just a little bit of effort. You can light it (this may take a little longer). You can inhale it.

But the conclusion is why? There is no high, the health benefits are unclear and it’s really not cool to inhale smoke.

I’ll continue to enjoy my tea in a cup or mug.  But for those looking for something to smoke you can always try some tea.

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