The Chicago International Tea Festival 2019

It is my honor and my privilege to share with you the Inaugural Chicago Tea Festival.  

From the ground floor up this event was a powerful indication of the love of tea from fellow Chicago natives and those around the country and world.  

While my “job” was to help cover the event.  I was honored to talk to everyone.  I listened to vendors and attendees.  I tried to speak with everyone.  I even worked behind the scenes to stuff swag bags and assist in any way I could.

I shot more then a few videos:



And more then enough images:



I was honored to share in the sheer diversity of tea and its producers.  When you walked into the show room the scent of all the teas blended together into one scent.  It’s how I saw the event.  So many cultures : African, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japan, Nepal, American, Sri Lanka, German and Australia.   All blended together, it was divine!



I also got to meet incredible people.  (I had some really cool music on this that was purchased but somehow got flagged by YouTube) Music removed 



Behind the scenes I am sure the CITF Staff  can tell you there were a few bumps, there always are, but the class of a real show producer are those bumps are not seen by those outside, and they were not. 

Sunday was a flurry of people sharing, sipping and buying. 

I personally have drank a ton of tea and eaten a lot of pizza…  Chicago Pizza is amazing!

Tonight I dine in the CityScape Bar


I can’t tell you enough about the teas.  Honestly, you have to come and try them yourselves. I suggest trying them all.  I know I did and I learned a bit more about my palette and my taste for teas. I also know you absolutely have to try teas from other countries and buy them at the festivals to save money on shipping!  I bought a lot of tea.  Plenty to choose from.  If you never thought you’d say: “I’ve had enough tea”. It can happen!  

I don’t like writing lists of vendors as I’m always thinking I may leave someone out.  I work very hard to make sure I include everyone.  But, if you go HERE this is a partial list of all the vendors (more just kept showing up).  

This year the classrooms surrounded the main sampling area and I found that to be a great plus.  There were so many teachings and I popped in to a few to catch some of the happenings to share with you.  I also hope they make you anxious for next years festival.  Two of my favorites were

The Japanese Tea Ceremony

The Leaf and the Grain – Scotch and Tea pairing

Again follow THIS LINK to see more about the festival and the classes that were taught.  Classes for everyone from merchant to novice tea enthusiast and everything in between.

I have a couple special articles I will be putting out on some of my observations and communications with vendors.  I can’t wait to share their vision(s) with you.  

I am absolutely the honored one.  

Thank you! 

3 thoughts on “The Chicago International Tea Festival 2019”

  1. Hi Lisa,
    I just finished my ITMA paper on Japanese black tea, and i created a blog around it : . Was there any attention given to it during the festival ?
    kind regards and looking forward to read your other blogs about the festival.

    1. Hello Erik,

      First it’s great to connect with you and you have a great blog. My first response to you would be no. Most of the vendors served green teas. I will ask around about the teachings because I did not sit in on all of them. But it would make sense wouldn’t it that Japan could easier become a producer of black teas. Or red teas.

      I will ask around and get back with you. I have to tell you the teas I tasted were top level quality and while I am not a green tea drinker I am convinced now that I am indeed one when you drink a tea that is single origin from the origin.

      Feel feel to contact me via my social media channels as well. Would love to have your input.


    2. Erik,

      I found some information for you. One of the vendors there did have about 4 black japanese teas and we talked a little bit about it, and I learned a bit as well. He also hosted groups traveling to Japan and Sri Lanka. But he talked shared about how difficult it can be for a Japanese tea cultivator to produce a black tea. I also asked to share his sites with you. I am sure you can contact him for more information, his name is Dan and here are his sites: and

      I hope this helps, please, stay in touch and let me know how your paper goes!

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