Center – Dropping Seeds

Tea Selection: Center

Company Name: Dropping Seeds

Location: Brooklyn, NY



  • Light brewed liquor


  • The smell of a medicinal cherry with mint (neither are in this tea)


  • As a brew this tea is a strong mix of herbs the one that stands out the strongest is the sage, the tea gives a warming sensation and that ever present scent of mint.


  • Besides my cat having a field day with this tea I found it interesting with the mixture of herbs. I do not smoke and even with an herbal vaping I do not like the idea of smoke entering my lungs, that is my concept so I did not try this tea as a vape. As a brew this tea is a strong mix of herbs the one that stands out the strongest is the sage, the tea gives a warming sensation and that ever present scent of mint (so interesting) that comes out of this combination of herbs.


  • Sage
  • Cornflower
  • Red clover
  • Calendula
  • Mullein



Time and Temperature Guide

    • Black                      95°C / 205°F 3 – 5 minutes
    • Oolong/White      85°C / 185°F 3 – 4    minutes
    • Green/Yellow       80°C / 176°F 2 – 3     minutes
    • Herbal/Tisanes.   100°C / 212°F 5 – 15  minutes

What Dropping Seeds Say About Their Tea


CENTER supports energising states of mindfulness and heart rejuvenation. Intentionally engage balance and self control to get you through difficult days. Quickly attain harmony between your thoughts and your emotions so you can enjoy this journey called life.

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